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Create and manage multiple locations

Who’s this article for?
Sellers with the account and settings permissions. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.

About locations

You can create multiple locations for a single business with your Square account. For each location, you can: 

  • Create unique business profiles for each location with specific working hours.

  • Add individual bank accounts or tags to differentiate transfers.

  • Manage location-specific reporting so you have granular insights into each location’s performance. 

  • Choose to match items from an existing Item Library.

  • Manage devices by location with device codes.

  • Subscribe for additional team logins as needed.

Before you begin

  • You can only create locations from your Square Dashboard, but you can manage locations at any time from both your Square Dashboard and Square Point of Sale apps. 

  • Once you create a location, you cannot delete it. However, you can deactivate locations at any time.

  • There is a 300-location limit per master account.

Create locations

When you first sign up for Square, your account automatically generates your first location. To create a new location:

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Settings > Account & Settings > My business > Locations.

  2. Select Create Location.

  3. Enter a Location business name and a Location nickname. The location business name appears on your customers’ card statements and digital receipts. The location nickname is for internal use and not shown to customers.

  4. Enter a brief description about your business.

  5. Enter your address and Eircode.

  6. Enter your location’s email address and phone number, and any applicable social media accounts.

  7. Add a brand logo and colour to be reflected across Square.

  8. Choose a time zone and enter your working hours. To add multiple timeframes for one day, click Add times.

  9. Select the bank account to use for transfers.

  10. Select the language for this location. The language you choose for this location is used in Square emails and customer receipts.

  11. If you want to match the item library from another location, select the location to match from the drop-down menu.

  12. Click Save.

Switch between locations in-app

You can switch between locations on your Square Point of Sale apps. However, you cannot switch locations if you’re signed in to Square Register with the use of a device code. Learn how to create and assign modes.

  1. Sign in to your Square app and tap More > Switch location.

  2. Choose the location you want to view.

Edit location information

You can update location business information from both your Square Dashboard and Square POS apps.

You can edit your location business name up to three times every twelve months. Changing your location business name does not count against your business name change allowance. If you need to make a change outside of this window, please contact Square Support.

Square Dashboard

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Settings > Account & Settings > My business > Locations.
  2. Select the location you want to edit and make your changes.
  3. Click Save.

Point of Sale app

  1. Sign in to your Point of Sale app and tap ☰ More > Settings > Account > Business information.
  2. Make your changes. They will save automatically once entered.

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