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Index your Square Online site with search engines

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with online permissions. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • Square Online subscribers.
  • About website SEO

    To help your Square Online website rank better on search engines like Google, you can add search engine optimization (SEO) details to your site. Adding SEO details helps make your site more discoverable online, which can also help lead to more visits and online sales.

    Before you begin

    • You can index your website from your Square Dashboard.

    • Since search engines aren't updated in real time, their search results won't immediately display any recent changes you've made to your SEO details. It can take anywhere between a few days to several weeks for a change to be reflected in search engine results. For more information, review our Ultimate SEO Guide.

    • Hiding your website or webpages from Google and other search engines does not unpublish your site. Not including the page in your navigation menu doesn’t hide it from search results either—it simply removes the link to that page from your site’s navigation. Anyone with the direct link to your site or page can see it. If you need your website online but need to hide the information on it, learn how to password protect your Square Online site.

    • If you see outdated search results on Google and need them removed, learn how to remove outdated content from Google search results in the Google support center.

    Square does not provide SEO consultation. For more information on SEO for your specific website's needs, we recommend consulting an SEO expert.

    Set up site SEO

    Index your entire site

    SEO settings for your entire website correspond to your website’s homepage.

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online.
    2. Select Website > SEO.
    3. Under “Search Engine Optimization (SEO),” select Update SEO.
    4. Add your SEO details and select Save when finished.
    5. Publish your site from the editor to see the changes live.

    Index individual pages

    SEO settings for each webpage are located in your site editor within the settings panel for each page.

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online.
    2. Select Website > Edit site.
    3. Open the page you want to index.
    4. Select the gear icon in the editing panel and select View page settings.
    5. Select SEO in the pop-up window to add your SEO details. Select Save.
    6. Publish your site to see the changes live.

    Index images with alt text

    Image descriptions, commonly known as alt text, help search engines explain what images are about. This is especially useful when the image doesn’t load or a site visitor can’t see it.

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online.
    2. Select Website > Edit site.
    3. Open a page containing non-background images, or add a new section with images if you don’t already have one.
    4. Select the section that contains images, and select an image to open up the image menu in the editing panel.
    5. Add your alt text into the text box to describe the image.
    6. Publish your site to see the changes live.

    Hide your site from search engines

    Hide your entire website

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online.
    2. Select Website > SEO.
    3. Under “Search Engine Optimization (SEO),” click Hidden from search engine results.
    4. Publish your site from the editor to see the changes live.

    Hide individual pages

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online.
    2. Select Website > Edit site.
    3. Open the page you want to hide.
    4. Select the gear icon in the editing panel and select View page settings.
    5. Select SEO in the pop-up window.
    6. Under “Search visibility,” choose Hidden from search engine results. Select Save.
    7. Publish your site to see the changes live.

    Enable site search

    Your website also has a search feature that indexes your site's content. The site search feature allows your customers to search content and items found on your Square Online site.

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online.

    2. Select Website > Edit site.

    3. Select your website's navigation menu.

    4. In the editing panel, go to Content > Icons and check Search icon.

    5. Publish your site to see the changes live.

    Hiding the search icon disables search functionality on your site. If it appears the site search feature isn't working properly, contact Square Support.

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