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Create a blog with Square Online

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with online permissions. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • Square Online subscribers.
  • About Square Stories

    Square Stories pages let you add unique blog content to your Square Online website that can bring in more traffic and keep visitors engaged. Use Stories to talk about your business, highlight new items for sale, suggest recipes, or share personal updates.

    The Stories Overview is a dynamic page that displays links to individual stories on your website. When you create a new story, it’s automatically added to the overview page, with the most recent stories at the top. The overview page is customizable and can include other sections in addition to the stories list.

    ​​If you have an existing blog on another website you want to add to your Square Online site, you can use the RSS feed section to make blog posts appear in Square Online without recreating them. An RSS feed is a special type of link that’s used to send content (like blog posts) to be displayed in a web browser or feed reader app.

    Before you begin

    You can create and manage Story pages from your Square Dashboard.

    Add a Stories overview page

    To add a Stories Overview page:

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online.

    2. Click Website > Edit site.

    3. Select +Add > Page.

    4. Choose Stories overview, and uncheck the box if you don’t want this page in your navigation menu.

    5. Select Add to create the page.

    6. Once you create a Stories overview page, hover over the items in the sidebar to see the corresponding section highlighted on your site.

    7. Select any item in the list to view and edit options. 

    8. Select the gear icon to edit the settings for the page, make the page your homepage, or delete the page.

    Add and edit stories

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online.

    2. Click Website > Edit site.

    3. There are three ways to add a new story in your Square Dashboard:

      • From the Page dropdown menu.

      • Via the Add button.

      • From the List of Stories section in the Stories overview page.

    4. To add more types of content to stories using sections, select Add Section and select a section from the list. Select Add to insert it on the page.

    5. Once you add a story, customize the page appearance by using the Story Header option to create a template that applies to all story pages and edit the visual elements, and the Story Content option to edit image display, fonts and backgrounds in the editing panel.

    6. To add text, select the sample text shown on the page and start typing. Your changes are saved automatically as you work. 

    7. Publish your website to make your stories visible.

    Adjust SEO and social media settings for stories

    You can edit the keywords, description, and social media appearance for both the stories overview and individual story pages. You can select Rewrite with AI at any time to generate content by artificial intelligence (AI) and to update your headline, title, and blog post content in the Stories page.

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online.

    2. Click Website > Edit site.

    3. Select a page from the Page dropdown menu.

    4. Click the gear icon and select Page settings.

    5. Choose General, SEO, or Social.

    6. You can select Rewrite with AI at any time to generate content by artificial intelligence (AI) and to update your headline, title, and blog post content in the Stories page.

    Adding AI-generated content to your website requires a paid Square Online subscription. We suggest reading any copy carefully and making adjustments before publishing to ensure the content you publish is high quality and matches your brand.

    Add RSS feeds to Square Online

    You can add an RSS feed section to your Square Online site from your Square Dashboard. The actual link to your RSS feed will vary depending on where your blog is hosted. If you're not sure how to obtain your RSS feed link, reach out to your blog host for assistance.

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Online.

    2. Click Website > Edit site.

    3. Open the page you want to add your RSS feed to. Select + > Section and choose RSS feed.

    4. In the editing panel, select Connect feed and paste your RSS feed link into the text field. Select Save.

    5. Complete your edits and publish your site to see the changes live.

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