The Key Benefits of Facebook for Your Business

Building a Facebook business Page can help you engage with current and potential customers. It allows you to target specific audiences and advertise to them in a cost-efficient way. 
When done well, your page can even be used as a tool to build brand love for your business within new communities on social media. The Meta Business Suite allows you to manage posts, insights, and messages in one place for both Facebook and Instagram. 

Here are a few key benefits to keep in mind as you leverage your Facebook business Page. 

A Facebook page serves as cost-effective exposure for your brand.

It costs $0 to create a Facebook business Page. Once created, the page acts as a hub for your brand, where users can learn about who you are, what you do, and what services you provide. 
A Facebook business Page can make information like your hours, location, photos, and promotions easily accessible to customers, without spending anything upfront. (As of January 2024, there were 31.8 million Facebook users in Canada, which accounted for 81.6% of the country’s entire population – that’s quite the potential market). 

According to Google, Canadians are intentional shoppers – the two most helpful things a brand can communicate as they consider purchases are the quality of an item and deals and promotions. Your business page can keep customers informed about those two things and boost sales. 

You may be wondering whether it’s still worth creating a Facebook business Page after Meta’s decision to end news availability in Canada. According to research published by The Media Ecosystem Observatory, this recent development has not significantly altered the behaviour of Canadian Facebook users. Brands like yours can continue to benefit from being present on the social media platform. 

It’s a direct way to connect with current and potential customers.

Creating a Facebook business Page can help you encourage digital word-of-mouth and create an online presence. When managed well, your page is a forum for community growth and communication with new and loyal customers. It’s a space to connect with customers directly, answer their questions, and share offerings they’ll benefit from.

If you’re looking for constructive notes from real people to strengthen your business, your Facebook page is a great place to address feedback directly and let customers know they’ve been heard.

Plus, your published posts can help you grow your community by providing customers with content to share with Facebook friends and show how much they love your business. It’s a simple and authentic way to connect with new audiences.

Even though there are billions of people on Facebook, you don’t need to reach all of them — just those in your sweet spot. The Facebook Business Manager, now called Meta Business Suite and Business Manager, gives you the ability to target specific audiences to reach with your Facebook ads based on geographic location, age, interests, and more.

For example, if you’ve just opened a new yoga studio, you could boost a post from your page to reach men and women aged 20 to 65 years old who live within a 30-kilometre radius of your studio. You can set an overarching budget for your campaign and spread it through a certain number of days. The Meta Advantage campaign budget feature will continuously optimize your Facebook ads to get the best results at the lowest cost. For more information on how much to spend and how to measure your efficiency, check out Meta’s Budgeting FAQ and fundamentals.

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It allows you to have a mobile-optimized experience.

Whether you have an eCommerce business or a brick-and-mortar store, mobile-first capabilities offer endless benefits. Your Facebook business Page will house important information for potential customers on their mobile devices.

If you have an online store, Facebook gives you the tools to create multiple opportunities for “Shop Now” or “Learn More” to drive to your site and allow users to purchase directly. More than half (56%) of Canadian purchases were made on a smartphone in 2022, so creating a gateway to purchase from your Facebook business Page is a no-brainer.

The benefits for brick-and-mortar stores are clear, too. Around the world, searching with intent by using words like “open now near me” shows no signs of going away. Facebook offers the best way to be seen, which means you have the perfect opportunity to be the place they’re looking for.

Your page gives you the tools to easily test and try new branded content and messaging.

Whether it’s gathering results from an ad on a billboard, a flier, or social media ads, figuring out if your message is resonating with your audience can be a challenge. Facebook business Page can act as a tool to do this swiftly by testing new concepts with your community (by utilizing organic published posts on your page that you can boost to ensure a wider audience sees them) or potential customers (with Facebook ads to your target audience).

By A/B testing and comparing metrics on the amount of post engagement, site visits, and more, this feedback can help you make educated decisions regarding the more expensive advertising channels.

(That’s not to say that messages or content always perform the same on social media as on other channels, but it is a way to get a quick read on customer sentiment.)

Your page gives your business an SEO boost.

You may be familiar with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the practice of improving your website and content for the purposes of ranking on search engines. But did you know about social media SEO?

It’s a relatively new marketing strategy – and your Facebook business Page can help you make the most of it. Facebook SEO is rooted in the same principles as traditional SEO: get discovered by potential clients through the use of relevant, impactful content. It can not only help you increase your reach on Facebook, but it can also expand your visibility on Google and grow your website traffic.  
Tactics like choosing the right Facebook page name and URL, writing a strong ‘About’ section and incorporating intentional keywords through your content can help you rise to the top of algorithms. Creating location-specific social media content can also be a great strategy for brick-and-mortar businesses looking to boost their SEO.

Square Marketing and Facebook Insights allow you to see what’s working — and what’s not.

Using Square Marketing, you can determine attributable sales, coupon redemptions, and engagement metrics from your Facebook campaigns. Also, a Facebook post published through Square Marketing is shown to customers who have made a purchase from your business, even if they haven’t followed or liked your page.

Facebook’s Insights tool gives you a transparent view into the details of how many people you’re reaching, how many are engaging with your posts, how many are following your page, and what percentage of all of these stats have been earned with organic versus paid and “boosted” content.