
Edit your account and business information

Who is this article for?
  • Only account owners can edit their personal account details.
  • Sellers with the account & settings permission to update business information can edit business information. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • About account and business information

    Manage your account and business settings to secure your account, change language preferences and keep your business information up to date.

    Your account information includes the personal email address you use to sign in to your Square account, the phone number attached to your account, your secure contact methods and your language and time zone preferences.

    Your business information includes your business name, branding, security settings and locations.

    Before you begin

    You can update your account and business information from your Square Dashboard. Make sure the information you want to record for your account and business is accurate.

    Edit your email and phone number

    Either your email address or phone number are used to sign in to your Square Dashboard and the Square Point of Sale app. They’re both required for your account, but you can always edit them.

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Settings > Account & Settings > Personal information > Sign in & security.

    2. Select Update or Add next to the current email address or phone number.

    3. Enter your account password and click Confirm.

    4. If you already have 2-Step Verification enabled, enter your verification code. If you’re not already using 2-Step Verification, select whether you’d like a verification code sent to the current email address or your phone number.

    5. Enter the new contact information you’d like to associate with your Square account and click Confirm.

    If you sent your verification code to your email and don’t see the verification email in your inbox, check your spam folder or email filters. If you selected a phone number, make sure this number can receive SMS messages.

    If you can’t access the inbox of your original account email or you received a verification email and didn’t request the change, contact Square Support via phone for help.

    Edit your secure contact method

    If Square detects unusual activity in your account and needs to contact the account holder, you can add an additional secure contact method to your account as a backup contact method.

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Settings > Account & Settings > Personal information > Sign in & security.

    2. Click Manage ways to verify it’s you. You need at least one verified contact method—a phone number or email address—to update or add any additional secure contact methods in your account.

    3. Click Update next to the contact method you want to change and proceed through the verification process. Click Continue.

    4. Click Save.

    Edit your account language and time zone

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Settings > Account & Settings > Personal information > Preferences.

    2. Update your account preferences for language and time zone, then click Submit.

    This language setting affects certain Square pages (such as the login page), and some email and text notifications that Square sends to you—not your customers.

    To change the language of your Square Dashboard, you must change the web browser language in your browser settings. If you’re not sure how, consult your web browser’s help center or support team.

    Edit your business name

    You can edit your business name from your Square Dashboard. Your business name appears on your customers’ receipts and payment card statements. If you have up to three locations, you can update your new business name across all locations. If you have four or more locations on your Square account, you will need to update each location individually.

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Settings > Account & Settings > My business > About.

    2. Click Edit by Business Name to enter your new business name. If you have up to three locations, click Update to have the updated name reflect across your locations, or click Skip.

    3. Click Save.

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