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Create and schedule appointments

Who is this article for?
  • Account owners or team members with appointments permissions. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • Square Appointments subscribers.
  • About scheduling appointments

    With Square Appointments, you can create and schedule appointments for your clients and send them a text message or email notification.

    Before you start

    You can schedule appointments for a specific time, all day or recurring. Before you can schedule appointments, you need to do the following:

    You have two options for scheduling appointments

    • Schedule appointments from your Square Dashboard.

    • Schedule appointments from your Square Appointments POS app

    For repeat appointments, the price will initially reflect the price at the time of the first booked appointment, but can be updated at any time.

    Option 1: Schedule an appointment from the Square Dashboard

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and click Appointments.

    2. Click Calendar.

    3. Select a time slot on your calendar or click Create.

    4. Choose the Appointment event type.

    5. Schedule an appointment and include details such as client contact information, appointment location, notes, or add a Card on File for your client. All client information is saved to your customer directory.

    6. Add services and items. Note: If any service that’s part of a multiple service appointment has blocked off time configured, a Block extra time option will appear as the last step in the appointment. You can adjust the blocked off time as needed or set it to None to remove it completely. If you try to book over an existing appointment, you’ll see a notification warning you before you double-book.

    7. Once a service is added, you can click Find availability to open a side window for selecting date and time slots where you have open availability.

    8. Click Save.

    9. Click Notification Type to select if and how you’d like to notify your customer. You can add an optional message to your client.

    10. Click Save.

    Option 2: Schedule an appointment from the Square Appointments POS app

    iOS devices

    1. Open your Square Appointments POS app and tap Calendar.
    2. Tap + or tap a time slot from your calendar and select Create Appointment.
    3. Tap Add customer.
    4. Add an existing customer by searching for their name, email or phone number. Tap + to create a new customer.
    5. If applicable, select and update the date and time information.
    6. Add the services and optional items.
    7. Tap the service/item to select the staff member performing the service.
    8. Add an optional contract or internal note for your staff.
    9. Tap Save.
    10. Tap Notification Type to select if and how you’d like to notify your customer. You can add an optional message to your client.
    11. Tap Save.

    Android devices

    1. Open your Square Appointments POS app and tap Calendar.
    2. Tap + or tap a time slot from your calendar and select Create Appointment.
    3. Tap Add customer.
    4. Add an existing customer by searching for their name, email or phone number. Tap + to create a new customer.
    5. Add the services and optional items.
    6. Tap the service/item to select the staff member performing the service.
    7. Add an optional contract or internal note for your staff.
    8. If applicable, select and update the date and time information.
    9. Tap Save.
    10. Tap Notification Type to select if and how you’d like to notify your customer. You can add an optional message to your client.
    11. Tap Save.

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