Process split payments
Who is this article for?
Account owners or team members with the checkout permission to take payments. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
About split tender payments
With split tender payments, your customers can easily split a bill. You can use multiple forms of tender to complete a payment via the Square apps from a mobile device or Square hardware, as well as via Square Virtual Terminal from your Square Dashboard.
Before you begin
A split tender payment isn’t complete until there’s no remaining balance. The entire amount of the sale must be processed.
If a split tender payment hasn’t been completed within five minutes, this could timeout the bill and void any previously processed payments.
When you connect Square Terminal with Square Point of Sale, split tender is not available if one of the payments is by card.
Split a payment
- After creating the transaction, tap Review sale > Charge.
- Tap Split Amount and enter the payment amount for the first payment, then Continue to complete the transaction. You can also split the sale into equal payments.
- Continue processing the additional payments until the entire sale has been completed.