
Choosing a Square Account Password

Your password is the key to your Square account; here are some pro-tips for choosing one that will maximize your account security.

1. Don’t recycle!

It’s always easier to use the same password across all online accounts, but don’t do it! It’s really important that you choose a password for your Square account that is different from your email account password. Your email account serves as an important second layer of protection for your most sensitive account actions, and you don’t want one key to open two front doors.

When resetting your password, you won’t be able to use the a previously used Square password.

2. Avoid common phrases or identifiable information.

With a lot of our personal information now available on the web (e.g., that cute Facebook picture of your dog Charlie that comes up in a Google search), avoid passwords that include personal information like your pet’s name or your birth date. Also, avoid easily guessed phrases or words like 12345, password, or qwerty.

3. The longer the better.

While it’s good practice to change your passwords at least a few times a year, it’s also beneficial to choose one long password from the get-go. The more characters you include (and the more variety in letters, numbers, symbols, and cases), the better protected you will be against fraudsters attempting to guess your password.

4. Use password managers.

Managing passwords can feel overwhelming. That’s where password managers come in. Many providers out there–like LastPass or 1Password–offer a cheap and secure way to store all of your long, complex passwords so you never have to remember them.

5. Look out for phishing and enable Two-Step Verification.

No matter how long and complex you make your password, entering it into a phishing website trumps everything (learn how to recognize and report phishing scams). Don’t let your password be the single point of failure; set up Two-Step Verification on your Square account (and your other online accounts) to get an added layer of protection for your most sensitive account actions. You’ll be prompted to enter a verification code sent to your phone each time you log in.