View payroll reports and tax forms
About Square Payroll reports and tax forms
Square Payroll handles both tax payments and federal and state tax filings on your behalf, and copies of your filings are posted to your Square Dashboard once your forms are filed.
You can also run custom reports that show metrics like team member earnings, paystubs, or company payroll totals. You can also download reports relevant for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Before you begin
You can view Square Payroll state tax resources to see which tax payments and filings will be handled for your business in your jurisdiction.
Custom reporting metrics include:
Paycheck Details: Shows all paychecks with pay dates in the selected date range.
Employee Totals: Shows the totals by employee for all paychecks with pay dates in the selected range.
Company Totals: Shows the company pay and tax totals for all paychecks with pay dates in the selected date range.
Paystubs: Shows all paystubs for payroll runs that were paid out in the selected date range.
Square Payroll custom reports can only be downloaded from a computer and are not available to download from the Square Team app.
In your reports, the Bank Withdrawal Summary displays the total debit from your bank for each payroll run, considering employee payment method and state tax obligations. For businesses using direct deposit, a single debit covers both net pay and taxes; manual check payments, however, don't debit employee net pay. Taxes withheld are included in the total debit and broken down by agency in the Withdrawal Summary, featuring net pay for direct deposits, federal and state taxes, and specifics for various tax collections.
Export federal and state tax filings
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Staff > Payroll > Tax forms.
Sort between your federal or state filings, or your team’s W-2s or 1099s.
Filter by time period, form type, or filing status.
Select Preview next to the tax form to view your filing. From the preview, you can download your form to your device.
Export a custom report
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Staff > Payroll > History.
Select a date range, employees, and the report type.
Click Download to download a spreadsheet containing your requested details.
Employers that process payroll across multiple work locations are able to view information per location. When downloading a custom report, payroll data is broken down by work address and provides payroll data across all work addresses.
Export a payroll run report
You also can download the payroll details for a single payroll run:
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Staff > Payroll > History.
Select your pay period.
Click Actions > Export to CSV to download a spreadsheet containing a breakdown of taxes and wages for that payroll run.
Note: Payroll runs won’t appear in a custom report until the deadline to cancel the payroll run has passed.
Export a paystub report
You can download a paystub from your payroll history if you need a physical copy. To do so:
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Staff > Payroll > History.
Select your pay period.
In the Paystub column, click View > Download Paystub for an individual team member’s paystub.
Click Actions > Download All Paystubs to download all of the paystubs for each team member that was paid for that pay period.
Export a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) report
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a part of the CARES Act, provides loans to small businesses to help cover the costs of retaining employees during COVID-19. The PPP application requires your average monthly payroll costs (AMP) and number of employees, among other things. We have created a report within Square Payroll to help facilitate these calculations and the application process. To download your report:
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Staff > Payroll > History.
Select PPP Report - Payroll Costs as the report type.
Select a date range. You should coordinate with your lender on the required look back period. Keep in mind that team member fields are not required for PPP reports.
Click Download to download a spreadsheet with reporting details.
Note: This report is intended to provide payroll information for the purpose of applying for a loan under the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”). The information contained herein is from Square Payroll's gross payroll records and based on information that you or your authorized administrator(s) have provided. It is reflective of tax documentation that Square has filed or will file with the IRS on your behalf. Average monthly payroll costs are calculated based on the language of the CARES Act, as amended by the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act, in addition to SBA and Treasury guidance published as of January 20, 2021. Please review and confirm the accuracy of the information contained within this report. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the accuracy of all information you submit as part of your loan application.
Export a Payroll Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness report
Loans through the PPP may be fully forgiven if the borrower is able to show that they spent the funds on eligible expenses, including payroll, mortgage, rent, and utilities within the given covered period (8-week or 24-week period after receiving the loan). Through Square Payroll you are able to generate a report that calculates eligible payroll costs during the selected covered period. To download your report:
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Staff > Payroll > History.
Select PPP Forgiveness - Payroll Costs (XLSX) as the report type.
Choose a Covered Period Start Date for your report. This is usually the PPP loan disbursement date, but borrowers with a biweekly or more frequent payroll schedule can also elect the first day of the first pay period following the PPP loan disbursement date.
Choose a Covered Period Length for your report, either 8 weeks or 24 weeks. This is either the 24-week (168-day) period beginning on the PPP loan disbursement date, or if the borrower received its PPP loan before June 5, 2020, the borrower may elect to use an eight-week (56-day) Covered Period. If the start date is after June 5, 2020, you will only see the 24 week option.
Click Download.
Note: This report is intended to provide payroll information for the purpose of applying for loan forgiveness under the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) forms 3508, 3508EZ and 3508S. The information contained herein is from Square Payroll's payroll records and based on information that you or your authorized administrator(s) have provided. It is reflective of tax documentation that Square has filed or will file with the IRS on your behalf. The payroll costs contained in your Square Payroll PPP Loan Forgiveness Report are calculated based on the CARES Act, the Flexibility Act, and rules and guidance from the Small Business Administration and U.S. Department of the Treasury published as of November 4, 2020. Please review and confirm the accuracy of the information contained within this report. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the accuracy of all information you submit as part of your PPP loan forgiveness application.