Reporting and Analytics for Your Gift Cards
About gift card reports
You can easily view your gift card sales and redemptions in your Square Dashboard and the Square POS apps.
Before you begin
There are two types of gift card reports.
Gift card report shows a summary of activity, reporting from multiple locations, as well as load fees and load details.
Gift card overview shows the balance on all outstanding gift cards you’ve issued to date.
Option 1: View gift card report
You can view the gift card report in your Square Dashboard.
Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Gift cards under Reports.
Use the date selector tool to refine a date range and select your location.
Tips for viewing gift card report:
The amount reported under "Activations" is the total loaded onto gift cards and does not account for discounted gift cards. For example, if you sold a $100 gift card for $80, the $100 will be reported under “Activations”.
To view how much you are actually paid for gift card sales, go to Sales summary and check the amount under “Gift Card Sales”. For example, if you sold a $100 gift card for $80, the $80 will be reported under “Gift Card Sales”.
If you have multiple locations, you can track your gift cards from multiple locations by viewing the Inter-Location Payables & Receivables section. This report shows gift card sales between your locations for the time frame selected. When the value is loaded onto a gift card, that location receives the gift card funds upfront. The location that redeems the gift card value is owed sales value from the loading location:
Receivable: The gift card value spent at this location that was loaded at another location.
Payable: The gift card value loaded at this location that was spent at another location.
Option 2: View overview report
You can view the overview report in your Square Dashboard and Square POS apps.
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Reports > Reports > Gift cards.
- Select Overview.
- Use the date-selector tool to refine a date range and select Card type. You can also select the relevant filters to view your report.