
Set up Shipping for Square Invoices

With Square Invoices, you can set up customer fulfillment details during invoice creation in Square Dashboard, Square Invoices POS app and Square Point of Sale app. You can also manually add tracking information.

Set up Shipping for Invoices in Square Dashboard

You can add shipping to an invoice during invoice creation. Review our Send Square Invoices Online article to learn more about each step of creating an invoice. 

  1. Log in to your online Square Dashboard and click Payments > Invoices > Send an invoice.

  2. When creating a new invoice, navigate to Line items and select Add service or shipping charge.

  3. Fill in the details and click Add. Note: You can add more charges by clicking Add additional service or shipping charge, which appears after creating the first one.

  4. Continue filling out the invoice and when you get to More options, toggle on Create order for shipping. Note: The toggle will be disabled if the invoice has already been sent and paid.

  5. Check the box Request shipping address.

Once you’ve finished filling in all details, click Preview, Save as Draft or Send.

Manually Add Tracking Information in Square Dashboard

  1. Log in to your online Square Dashboard and click Payments > Invoices > Invoices.

  2. From the list, select the invoice to which you want to add tracking information.

  3. Under Shipping details, click Add tracking information. Include the tracking number and select the carrier company.

Learn more about managing your shipments from your Square Dashboard.

Set up Shipping for Invoices on Mobile

You can set up shipping details on the Square Invoices POS app or Square POS app.

When creating a new invoice

You can add shipping to an invoice during invoice creation. Review our Send Square Invoices from the Square Invoices App and Send Invoices on Your Square Point of Sale App articles to learn more about each step of creating an invoice.

  1. From the Square Invoices POS app, tap Invoices > Create Invoice. From the Square POS app, tap More > Invoices > Create Invoice.
  2. Navigate to Details and toggle on Create order for shipping. Note: The toggle will be disabled if the invoice has already been sent.
  3. Check the box Request shipping address.
  4. Add the shipping details.

When editing an existing invoice

  1. From the Square Invoices POS app, tap Invoices > Create Invoice. From the Square POS app, tap More > Invoices > Create Invoice.
  2. Select the invoice.
  3. Navigate to Details and toggle on Create order for shipping. Note: The toggle will be disabled if the invoice has already been sent.
  4. Check the box Request shipping address.
  5. Add the shipping details.

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