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Email Notifications

Square notifies full access team members of important account activity as well as the latest features, news and tips. Here are a few helpful things to remember about notifications from Square:

  • Notifications are sent to the email address of full access team members by default.

  • While you can’t choose to have transactional notifications (payment and transfer alerts) sent to an alternate email address, a forwarding rule can be set up within your email provider’s settings.

  • Transactional notifications can’t be sent to multiple email addresses.

  • Notification emails are not sent for cash transactions. 

Note: If you subscribe to Advanced Access you will not be able to select an alternative email address to receive transactional notification emails. Notification emails will be sent automatically to any team member with Full Access permissions.

Manage Email Notifications

To manage your notifications:

  1. Visit Email Notifications on your online Square Dashboard.

  2. Update your preferences > click Save.

Email Delivery Issues

There are several possible reasons why you may have trouble receiving emails from Square:

  • Emails from Square have gone to spam/junk email folder in your inbox. Check your spam folder or other email filters to rule this out.

  • Emails from Square have been blocked by your internet service provider or mobile phone network provider. To change your mobile email filter settings to accept emails sent from Square, add these Square domains to your safe list:

    • @squareup.com

    • @messaging.squareup.com

    • @communications.squareup.com

  • An incorrect email address has been registered with Square. To update your email, you will need to re-enter your password.

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