
Create and edit item variations and options

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with general items permissions. Set permissions in the Square Dashboard.
  • About custom item variations

    Variations are a unique version of an item, with its own cost, price, SKU, etc. and options are attributes that you can apply to multiple variations in your Item Library. For example, you can create two option sets: sizes (small, medium, large) and colours (red, blue, green). When you create a new item, such as a t-shirt, you can apply each option set to create new item variations, like a small green t-shirt or a large red t-shirt.

    Before you begin

    You have two options for creating item variations and options:

    • From the Square Dashboard on a laptop or desktop computer

    • From the Square Point of Sale apps

    Make sure you’ve created at least one item in your item library before assigning an item option set to an item. Learn more about how to create and edit items with Square.

    Step 1. Create and manage option sets

    Square Dashboard

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Options.
    2. Click Create an option set or select an existing item option set to edit.
    3. Enter the Option set name, the Display name and choose the Option set type within the Details section.
    4. Enter an option within the Add option field.
    5. Press Enter on your keyboard to add more options.
    6. Click Save.

    Click the X icon next to an option to delete it. Move the option’s order list using the = three horizontal lines icon.

    Square POS apps and devices

    1. Open the Square app and tap ≡ More > Items > Options.
    2. Tap Create option or select an existing item option set to edit.
    3. Enter the Option set name and the Display name.
    4. Enter an option within the Options field.
    5. Tap Add option to add more options.
    6. Tap Create or Done.

    Tap the X icon next to an option to delete it. Move the option’s order list using the = three horizontal lines icon

    Step 2. Add option sets to an item

    Square Dashboard

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Items & services (or Items & menus or Items & inventory) > Items > Options.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Select an Option set name from the list. Click Add options set if you want to add more options.
    4. Click Next once you’ve chosen the appropriate option set.
    5. Review the new variations created and click Create variations to confirm the changes.
    6. Click Save.

    Square POS apps and devices

    1. Open the Square app and tap ≡ More > Items > All items.
    2. Tap on the selected item from the list.
    3. Tap Create option, or toggle on a previously created list of option sets.
    4. Review the new variations created and tap Done to confirm the changes.
    5. Tap Next > Done.
    6. Tap Save.

    Remove option sets from an item

    Once you’ve assigned an item option set to an item, you can remove the item option set assigned to this item at any time.

    Square Dashboard

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Items & services (or Items & menus or Items & inventory) > Items.
    2. Click on the selected item from the list.
    3. Click the three dots icon next to the name of the option set within the Options section.
    4. Click Remove option set > Delete variations.
    5. Click Save.

    Square POS apps and devices

    1. Open the Square app and tap ≡ More > Items > All items.
    2. Tap on the selected item from the list.
    3. Tap Edit options within the Options section.
    4. Tap the item option set name you’d like to remove.
    5. Tap Remove option set > Confirm remove > Delete.
    6. Tap Save.

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