
Set up shipping with Square Invoices

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with the account and settings permission to configure orders settings. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • Square Invoices Free or Plus subscribers.
  • Sellers with services or standard mode enabled in the Square Point of Sale app.
  • About shipping with Square Invoices

    Shipping with Square Invoices allows you to streamline your shipping process and manage it efficiently. You can add shipping to an invoice during invoice creation, then the order will be added to Square Shipment Manager once the customer pays the invoice.

    Before you begin

    • You can set up shipping details with Square Dashboard, the Square Point of Sale app, or the Square Invoices app. 

    • Update your point of sale app to the latest version for the best experience. 

    Set up shipping for invoices

    You can add shipping to an invoice during invoice creation. Learn how to send invoices from the Square Invoices app and send invoices from the Square Point of Sale app.

    Square Dashboard

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Orders & payments (or Invoices & Payments or Payments) > Invoices.
    2. Click Send an invoice
    3. Fill out the invoice details.
    4. Click Shipping under the Settings at a glance tab, then toggle ON Create order for shipping. The toggle will be disabled if the invoice has already been sent and paid.
    5. Check the box Request shipping address.

    Once you finish filling out all invoice details, click Preview, Save as Draft, or Send.

    Point of sale

    From the Square POS app with services mode enabled or from the Square Invoices app:

    1. From the Square Invoices POS app, tap Home or Invoices.
    2. Tap (+) > Send invoice.
    3. Fill out the invoice details.
    4. Navigate to Details, and toggle on Create order for shipping. The toggle will be disabled if the invoice has already been sent.
    5. Check the box Request a shipping address.
    6. Review the invoice, then tap Send invoice or tap (•••) > Save as Draft to send at a later time.

    From the Square POS app with standard mode enabled:

    1. From the Square POS app, tap ≡ More > Invoices > (+).
    2. Fill out the invoice details.
    3. Navigate to Details, and toggle on Create order for shipping. The toggle will be disabled if the invoice has already been sent.
    4. Check the box Request a shipping address.
    5. Review the invoice, then tap Send invoice or tap (•••) > Save as Draft to send at a later time.

    Create shipping labels for invoices

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Orders & payments (or Invoices & Payments or Payments) > Invoices.

    2. Select the invoice for which you want to create a shipping label.

    3. Under Shipping details, click Create shipping label. This will take you to Shipment Manager — a centralized hub where you can manage all your shipments.

    4. Fill out the shipping details for the invoice in question.

    5. You can add tracking information by selecting Add tracking information. Include the tracking number and select the carrier company. Note: The tracking number can be edited later, if needed.

    6. Click Create label.

    7. You will be brought to an overview page for Shippo, our shipping partner. Click Connect account.

    Once you create your shipping label, you can print it by clicking Print label. You can also print packing slips within Shipment Manager. Learn more about Manage order shipments.

    At present, you are unable to purchase shipping labels for invoices on mobile. However, you can manually add shipping or tracking information.

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