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Create and Send Square Invoices Online

With Square Invoices, you can request payments for goods or services by sending an unlimited number of invoices, estimates or recurring invoices. Invoices can be sent anywhere, anytime using your online Square Dashboard, Square Invoices app or Square Point of Sale app using a supported mobile device.

Create Invoices Online

To create an invoice from your online Square Dashboard:

Step 1: Invoice Details

  1. Go to Invoices > click Send an invoice.
  2. Select a customer from your Customer Directory, or enter a new name and email address or phone number. You can enter up to nine recipients.
  3. Add an optional Invoice title and edit the Invoice ID to match your records.
  4. Add an optional message. You can also include an optional Service date to your invoice.
  5. Select the Frequency for this invoice. It can be sent as a One-time or Recurring invoice. If you’re creating a recurring invoice series, select start and end dates, along with frequency and due dates.
  6. Choose to Send immediately or at a later date and the Due date upon receipt or at a later date.

Step 2: Line Items

  1. Add a new or existing item from your Item Library. You may find existing items by search or barcode scanning. Learn more about connecting a barcode scanner.
  2. If applicable, click Add discount to discount the total invoice by percentage or dollar amount. Click Add.
  3. If applicable, click Add service charge to apply a service charge for fees that will be added to the original invoice amount, such as shipping or handling expenses. You can create a new service charge while creating your invoice or select an existing service charge to apply. Default service charges can be created from the Account & Settings tab of your online Square Dashboard. Alternatively, you can set up a variable service charge, which enables you to specify the exact amount or percentage at the time of cart building.
  4. If applicable, click Add payment schedule if you’d like to split the total balance into milestones. You can request a percentage or dollar amount deposit. Note: This is an Invoices Plus feature.

Payment schedule pro tip: Request a portion of your invoice up front, and set a separate due date for the remaining balance.

Step 3: Payment Options

  1. Select the payment method.
  2. If applicable, under Tipping, tick Allow customer to add a tip to give your customer the option in their invoice.
  3. If applicable, under Store payment method, tick Allow your customer to save a card on file. If selected, customers will have the option to save their payment card when paying the invoice. If they do, you’ll have the option to charge future invoices to the saved card instead of sending the invoice for payment.

Step 4: Communication

  1. Choose to share the invoice via email, text message or manually. Note: If you select Manually, the invoice and any attached files will not be emailed to your customer, but can be shared via a link once it is created.
  2. If applicable, enter an email address to add additional recipient(s).
  3. Choose the frequency of invoice payment reminders.

Step 5: More Options

  1. If applicable, tick Request delivery address to request a shipping address for the invoice goods or services.
  2. Add an optional Square Contract to establish clear service agreements with your customers.
  3. If applicable, upload an attachment. Note: Attach up to 10 files totalling 25 MB. Supported file types: JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP and PDF. Do not attach sensitive personal information or illegal content. Square may use the content you upload to fight chargebacks on your behalf.
  4. If applicable, Add a custom field to enter data that will be displayed on the invoice presented to your customer. Note: This is an Invoices Plus feature.

Step 6: Preview and Send

Before sending your invoice, select Preview to view your invoice as your customer will see it. You can also click Save as Draft to save the current version to work on later, or to keep it as a template to duplicate and send at any time. Click Send once you’ve completed the preview.

Send and Manage Invoices Online

Send Invoices via Text Message

Sending invoices via text message gives you added flexibility and visibility for both you and your customers. Before you get started, ensure there’s a valid mobile phone number in the customer’s profile. Customers can opt out of text message updates in case they no longer wish to receive text message updates about their invoice.

Learn how to send invoices via text message.

Schedule a Square Invoice Online

After creating an invoice online, you can schedule a single invoice to be sent at a future date by following these steps:

  1. Choose to share it by Email, Text Message or Manually via a link.
  2. In the Send field, choose a date the invoice will be sent and select a payment due date.
  3. Finish filling in the invoice and select Schedule or Save as Draft.

Note: If you select Save as Draft, your scheduled invoice will not be automatically sent. You’ll need to select Schedule to determine when it will be delivered.

Scheduled invoices will be automatically sent to your customer at 10 a.m. (in your time zone) on the date you’ve selected. Note: There isn’t a way to customise the time an invoice is sent. You’ll receive a notification email once the invoice is paid, and funds will be deposited into your linked bank account following your deposit schedule.

Push notifications for Invoices can only be enabled from the Square Invoices app at this time.

Print and Share Square Invoices Online

Share an invoice (either online or by printing it) in your online Square Dashboard by following the steps below:

  1. From the Square Invoices Overview Page, select Send an invoice.
  2. Choose your due date. Under Communication, select the option to send your invoice Manually.
  3. Finish filling in the invoice, and select Create.
  4. Select Share Link to manually share the invoice with your customer(s) via email, text message or any social media channel.
  5. Select More > Download PDF to save the invoice as a PDF or print it for your customer.

Note: Printing an invoice isn’t available on mobile browsers at this time.

Bulk Invoice Actions

From the Invoices tab, you can complete bulk actions to multi-select invoices and mark as paid, cancel, archive or print. You can also delete invoices in Draft status. You cannot delete invoices that have been sent to the customer or paid. Once you bulk-delete draft invoices, this action cannot be undone.

To complete bulk actions, you can manually tick the boxes next to the relevant invoices or tick the box in the header to select all. You can complete one bulk action at a time.