
Print, export or email your reports

Who is this article for?
Account owners or team members with the reports permission to view sales reporting. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.

About printing, exporting and emailing your reports

You can print, download, export or email reports to allow for offline access, or further analysis and customisation, outside of your Square Dashboard or POS app. 

Before you begin

Reports from Square Dashboard have the following limitations:

  • You cannot print or export cash drawer reports at this time.

  • You cannot print custom reports – you can only export them.

  • You cannot export reports from the Fees and Transaction status pages – you can only print them.

If you’d like to print your sales reports from your Square POS app, you need to Connect a printer to your device.

Print a report

Square Dashboard

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Reports.
  2. Select the report you’d like to print.
  3. Select the relevant filters for your report.
  4. Click the printer icon.

Square POS apps

  1. Sign in to your Square POS app and tap ≡ More > Reports > Sales to see your sales activity.
  2. Tap Print.

Export a report

You can export your reports from Square Dashboard:

  1. sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Reporting > Reports.

  2. Select the report you’d like to export.

  3. Select the relevant filters for your report.

  4. Click the export icon.

  5. Click the gear icon and select either Export only selected columns or Export all columns in your view. By default, all columns will be exported.

  6. Click Start export to download a CSV file to your device and open the file with a spreadsheet viewing software of your choice.

Email sales reports

Square Dashboard

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and go to Account.
  2. Check the Daily sales summary option and click Add additional recipients.
  3. Enter the recipient’s email address and choose the location for the report. You can also optionally choose to automatically add them to the email list of any future locations.
  4. Click Done.

Square POS apps

  1. Sign in to your Square POS app and tap ≡ More > Reports > Sales to see your sales activity.
  2. Tap the share icon at the top-right corner to email a sales report.

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