
View sales summary, sales trends and payment methods reports

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with the reports permission to view limited reporting can view sales summary for the past 90 days in POS apps, including tips and top-selling items.
  • Sellers with the reports permission to view detailed sales reporting can view full historical data, comparison charts, and trends in Square Dashboard.
  • Set permissions in Square Dashboard.

About sales summary, sales trends, and payment methods reports

The sales summary and sales trends reports provide an overview of your sales for a given time period, and compare your daily, weekly, and yearly sales. The payment methods report summarizes the total collected and any associated fees by tender type and provides useful comparisons.

Before you begin

Your sales summary, sales trends, and payment method reports can all be accessed from the Square Dashboard. If you are using the Square POS app, you can only access the sales summary report.

Analytics terms and definitions to view your reports:

  • Gross Sales: Overall product sales in a period, including modifiers. This amount is not adjusted for refunds or discounts, and doesn’t include taxes and tips collected on a sale. Gross sales exclude the sale of gift cards from Square, but include the sale of products tendered with your gift cards.

  • Refunds: Amount of product refunded in a given period. It excludes partial refunds, and refunds of gift cards sales.

  • Discounts: Deductions applied at the time of sale. Discounts are calculated before tax, and can be applied either as a percentage or dollar amount of the entire sale or to a specific item. Discounts applied to the sale of physical gift cards from Square are excluded.

  • Net Sales: Gross sales amount minus discounts and refunds. Net sales describe the overall product sales in a period, after the deduction of refunds and discounts. Net sales don’t reflect the sale of Gift Cards.

  • Gift Card Sales: Total amount collected from the sale of Square Gift Cards. This measure is adjusted for refunds and discounts applied to Gift Card sales.

  • Tax: Sales tax amounts applied at the time of sale. Tax is calculated on a per-transaction basis. See the specific tax applied for each sale in Transactions on your Square Dashboard. You may have multiple taxes for your business that you turn on/off depending on your needs. If you use multiple tax rates in a single sale, the “taxable sales” and “total” tax collected on your tax report may not add up.

  • Tips: Gratuity added to the transaction by your customers. This excludes cash tips because they’re not recorded in the Square POS apps. See the specific tip applied for each card payment in the Transactions list.

  • Total Collected: Total amount collected from the customer. Total collected includes net product sales in a given period, tax, tip, gift cards from Square sales, and other cash rounding adjustments collected from the customer.

  • Average Total Sales: The Total Sales (Net Sales + Tax + Tips + Gift Card Sales + Amount-based Refunds) divided by the number of sales.

  • Fees: Total Square processing fees in a given time period. Fees will be deducted from your next transfer.

  • Net Total: Total collected amount minus fees. Net total reflects the amount collected from your operations after Square’s fees are deducted.

Option 1: View sales summary

Sales summary provides an overview of sales, including gross sales, refunds, net sales, discounts, tips, and taxes, along with total collected and fees. You can view sales summary from your Square Dashboard and Square POS apps.

Square Dashboard

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Reports > Sales summary.
  2. Use the date selector tool to refine a date range and select the relevant filters to view your report:
    a. All day: Select All day or Custom. If you configured your reporting hours, you can also select them.
    b. All locations: Select All Locations or manually choose locations to review.
    c. Summary: To compare sales within the set date range by day, week, or month, click Summary > Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. Scroll down to view a sales summary comparison.
    d. Displayed By and Filtered By: Choose your display option. If you set up the name of your Device and Device Nickname, you can select them to view the reports.
    e. You can view your API transactions in your sales summary by selecting Filter By > Source. Then select eCommerce Integrations from All Sources filter dropdown.

Report filters - Dashboard - US

From your Square Dashboard, you can print and export the reports. For details, refer to Print, export or email your reports.

Square POS apps

  1. Open ≡ More in your Square POS app.
  2. Tap Reports > Sales and see today’s sales activity or tap a preset range to view sales for that time period. To set a custom date range, tap the date at the top of the report on your phone, or tap Compare on a tablet, and set your filters. You’re able to filter by time of day, device, and team member.
  3. Tap Done when finished.

By tapping the three dots (•••) > View in Dashboard under TOP ITEMS or TOP CATEGORIES, you can sign into your Square Dashboard to view the detailed reports.

From the Square POS apps including Square Stand, Square Register, and Square Terminal, you can print and email sales reports. For details, refer to Print, export or email your reports.

Option 2: View sales trends

Sales trends allow comparison of daily, weekly, and yearly gross and net sales. You can view and compare sales trends and average total sales from your Square Dashboard. The sales trends report is only available in your Square Dashboard.

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Reports > Sales trends.

  2. Select the Locations to be included within your focus dates.

  3. Click the preset dropdown options to compare two time periods or use the custom date selector tool to adjust the date range of your report.

  4. Choose the relevant metrics, and choose to view your report as a line or bar graph.

Option 3: View payment methods

Payment methods summarize total collected and any associated fees from credit, debit, gift cards, and other tender types, with breakdowns by debit vs credit, as well as by card brand. You can view payment methods from your Square Dashboard.

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Reports > Payment methods.

  2. Use the date selector tool to refine a date range and select the relevant filters to view your report:

    • All day: Select All day or Custom. If you configured your reporting hours, you can also select them.

    • All locations: Select All Locations or manually choose locations to review.

    • Summary: To compare sales within the set date range by day, week, or month, click Summary > Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. Scroll down to view a sales summary comparison.

Payment methods can be viewed in the sales report on the Square POS apps, but for detailed information, use Payment methods in your Square Dashboard.

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